How to Prove TDIU for PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a complex condition that can present with different symptoms in different individuals. Some of the most common symptoms associated with PTSD are: 

  • Hypervigilance
  • Intrusive memories
  • Avoidance of places or people
  • Difficulty maintaining relationships
  • Difficulty controlling anger
  • Trouble sleeping

There are many more symptoms associated with PTSD, so we recommend that if you suspect that yourself or your loved one may have it that you get in touch with your medical provider to schedule a time to speak with them about your experiences.

Due to the common occurrence of PTSD among veterans, the VA has created a schedular disability rating system for PTSD. This system determines the rate of compensation granted to those with PTSD, and more information on that rating process can be found here. For individuals whose PTSD is severe enough to prevent them from working, but not so severe that they qualify for the 100 percent schedular disability rating for PTSD, another solution exists to get them the compensation they deserve. Veterans who have at least a 70 percent PTSD schedular disability rating, yet are still unable to work, qualify for total disability based on individual unemployability (a TDIU rating) status. This rating will allow the veteran to receive the 100 percent monthly compensation rate even if he or she does not qualify for the 100 percent monthly schedular disability rating for PTSD.

Proving TDIU for PTSD can be tricky because of the VA’s requirements for TDIU eligibility. The most important thing to remember for those who plan to apply for TDIU is that he or she must demonstrate why their PTSD makes them unable to work. Medical evidence that shows the severity of his or her PTSD symptoms and employment records showing a history of short-term employment or multiple firings can be helpful for producing a positive outcome for his or her claim. For example, if the veteran exhibits hypervigilant behaviors all the time and has an intense fear of leaving his or her house, it would be impossible to work in a setting that requires them to go to an office or job site. Or, if he or she becomes angry quickly and flies off the handle frequently, it could make working with coworkers and supervisors difficult, even if he or she can find a position that allows them to work from home. Putting emphasis on the symptoms evidenced in his or her medical records that also make them ineligible for work is an important strategy for supporting his or her claim. It is also important to remember that only those who cannot maintain a substantially gainful occupation qualify for TDIU, so even if you work part time you may still qualify for a TDIU rating. You can find more information about qualifying for TDIU here, and information on how to fill out the VA Form 21-8940 Application for Individual Unemployability form here.

Help With Your TDIU Due to PTSD Claim

Our experienced veterans law attorneys are ready to help you win your claim for TDIU due to PTSD. We have access to vocational experts who can help strengthen your claim with a sworn statement detailing your inability to work. We also have connections to licensed psychiatrists that can assess your condition and provide additional evidence to submit to the VA in support of your TDIU claim. If you are interested in getting assistance with your claim today, please contact us at the phone number above or via our free claim evaluation form.